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Netvibes: Pastel blue on light gray. available in English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Croatian and Hindi. Modules: Box.net storage with MP3's player, gmail, Yahoo mail, Ical, Weather, Social applications(Flickr, Digg, Blogmarks, webnote, writly...) RSS/ATOM feedreader with OMPL import. Demo available. Works in Safari. [blog]

goowy (Flash): Looks a bit like the Mac OS X desktop theme with it's dock, see the screenshots. Has a lot of applications like mail management, calendar(drag and drop events!), games...with KDE Linux theme icons. All Flash-based work in Safari. Demo available. [blog]

Start.com : Pastel blue on white. Is now being used as "an incubation project", mostly to test ideas for live.com. Expand/collapse modules: Feeds, weather, stock, horoscope, click, shopping and some photo modules. Does not work in Safari. Demo available. [blog][via]

Microsoft Windows Live with user made module you can submit and rate here: Gadgets gallery. You can feel it's Microsoft, and it's blue. See Windows Live 8 Years Ago by Pinoy Tech Blog. Demo available. Does not work in Safari.[Blog]

Favoor : Very 'bright' page, has 5 pastel color settings. Expand/collaps modules: Feeds, Notes, Flick slidshow and bookmkarks. Previous icon: icon. No demo available. Works in Safari [review]

eskobo.com: Has 8 pastel themes. Does not work in Safari.

Google Personalized : What can I say? Google style with user made module you can submit and rate here: Google Modules Gallery or HotModules. Works in Safari.

Pageflakes: Tabbed interface, a bit darker than pastel. Has support for many social applications, see the module Gallery. Does not work in Safari.

gritwire(flash): All blue, has nothing to do with the icon. Demo available.[review][blog]

Protopage: Original design with bright colors where the blocks can overlap each other. The old icon used to be like this: Does not work in Safari, but you can get the feeling. Demo available. [Blog]

BACKBASE: Sober and clean interface. Double click exapnd/collapse maodules. Weather, Horoscope, Email(AOL/Yahoo/Hotmail), Custom portofolio(sortable table)web search. Does not work in Safari.

Inbox.com: Multi service, 2GB Webmail(Access Multiple POP3 Accounts), Search, Storage, Calendar, Notes and more, has colorful blocks of 6 different colors. Seems to work in Safari.

ItsAStart: An other pastel style with expande/collaps modules. Weather, bookmarks, Google search, clock, Notes and Feeds. Demo available. Seems to work in Safari.
Fold: Has shut down.

LinkedFeed: Blue and orange theme with round corners. Weather, TV guid, Search, Notepad, Feeds, Pop mail support. Possibility to add pages. Does not work in Safari. [review][blog]

My Yahoo!: Now has drag and drop! And a lots of themes Works in Safari. Feeds, Yahoo mail, Yahoo search, Yahoo directory... Yahoo modules. Possibility to add pages.

Smiley Today: Startpage for kids with weather, celebrity news, Bookmarks, Horascope, polls, smileys... and web search. Demo available.

mon.itor.us: Is a website statistical tool with tabbed interface, expand collaps modules: notes, todo, Address book, Feeds and Statistics(up time, graphs...). Uses natural colors with round corners and tags. Possibility to add pages. Demo video available. [blog]

Zoobio: A wiki style community portal with drag and drop modules, like an advanced public startpage with RSS feeds with rating, photos, WYSIWYG Note editor, Group Blog, Bookmarks, mashup search/keyword trackers, a custom clipping bookmarklet for each url and Customizable OPML comming soon. Simple and clear interface with round corners. Sober square and dark gray style. Demos: thexy are all public [example]. Drag and drop does not work in Safari.

Yoosi: NEW Sober light grey with colorful icons and expande/collaps modules. Feeds, weather, mail, package tracker, todo, notes, Mail(gamil/Yahoo/Hotmail) support and lets you create your costum module. Pre made version has del.icio.us, digg...feeds. Demo available. [screenshot]

HomePortals: No drag and drop, Tabbed interface and has a weblog. Social and very customizable, each module can have it's own CSS style. Possibility to add pages. Works in Safari.

My Earthlink.net: NEW! Mainly black, grey and white. Modules are drag and droppable but editing is not in-page. Modules: Earthlink email, weather, horoscope... has an edit layout like My Yahoo. Moogelet: NEW! Experimantal ajax startpage by freewebsfarms with digg, a calendar and web search modules, available also for download. Non-English Startpages:

dodoor.cn: Chinese with drag and drop and a slideshow. [info]

Ichigo.se: Swedish, Non-profit. No drag and drop. Ichigo means strawberry in Japanese but I don't think it's got anything to do with it: the interface is black and white. [blog]

MyHommy: Israeli. Pastel! Soft blue, light grey stripes with round corners. Does not work in Safari.

InternetStart: Serious black, blue and grey, no drag and drop. Reminds me of Microsoft.

StartForce: Japanese Ajax desktop. [info]

My Potu!: NEW: Chinese. Ressembles dodoor, RSS news, Gmail, weather, support for social photos services
okrss NEW light bleu and grey for RSS Blogcool: Chinese RSS reader startpage.


YouOs: NEW! WebOS like startpage with chat, rich text editor, mail, rss reader, mp3... and even a shell.
XIN: NEW! Closed beta. Ajax WebOS
WinLIKE: WebOS. Has a list of all the site useing it.
WebOS: for download.
Twinklefish: WebOS. To come
Desktop Two: NEW! WebOS [via] Other startpage web apps:
24eyes: A RSS dashboard with drag and drop. Does not work in Safari.
Online Dictionary: Has a RSS startpage with tabs and drag and drop.
Surfninja: Ajax drag and drop bookmark icon startpage
Philter's RSS News Portal: [RSS 0.91]. Free, no login, Flash RSS reader with drag and drop
Posticky: Notes Startpage with drag and drop. [screenshot]
MyLinkVault: Bookmark startpage with drag and drop [info]
Xilin.us: Online social bookmarks with drang and drop for sorting.
Yourlivewire: RSS startpage
Colib: Startpage that lets you list anything, Your books, music & videos tagged, shared and sorted.
Etamp.net: Ajax Feed startpage, aggregator and discovery service that can also let you view only images, quite nice for browsing sites like Gizmodo and Engadget, worth checking out. NB: The icon is not the favicon, it's the logo, lookes nice, no? (thanks to a comment.)
salesforce.com: Office for mobiles. ITRedux uses it as an startpage. Dashboardhq: NEW Private Bookmarks and notes startpage, has a special mode that enables drag and drop. [+30/06/06] Drag and drop webapps:
Bean Rocket: RSS reader. This will have drag and drop.
Box.net: File Sharing with drag and drop.
Carbonmade: New online portofolio service with a nice image drag and drop feature.(note Yahoo photos also has drag and drop).
eyespot: Social image host with drag and drop image sorting.
Google Calendar: Drag and drop events.
iRows: Online spreadsheet with drag and drop, inpage...
Lazlo mail: web mail service and they also have demos of Custom Rich Internet Applications.
Monket Calendar (Beta 0.9): Has drag and drop for events.
MorfikChessXApp: Drag and drop for Chess is perfect!
Scribble : List links with a bookmarklet, resort by drag and drop.
Posticky: Web postIts you can drag and drop and send to mobiles.
Spongecell: Online calendar with drag and drop.
opsdo. Huge meta search engine where each search option block can be drag and dropped.
The Best of WEB 2.0: Drag and drop reordering of the best of webapps with hover-thumbshots.
WatchThisNext.com: Drag and Drop DVD Recommendations.
Webnote: Online notes with drag and drop. Demo available.
JotForm: Online form builder with drag and drop to reorder.
The Form Builder: Online form builder with drag and drop in the tree to reorder.
Wufoo: Demo. Online form builder with drag and drop to reorder. color synthAxis: Advanced color shemer with drag and drop.


Some character other then ABC.

Some character other then ABC.

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ucs.com.tw. p: . smtp:
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telekbird.com.cn. p:pop.telekbird.com.cn . smtp:smtp.telekbird.com.cn
btamail.net.cn. p:btamail.net.cn . smtp:btamail.net.cn
chinanew.com. p:chinanew.com . smtp:
gzyp21.net. p:gzyp21.net . smtp:gzyp21.net
freemail.online.tj.cn. p:freemail.online.tj.cn . smtp:freemail.online.tj.cn
363.net. p:363.net . smtp:smtp.363.net
w4f.com. p:pop.email.com.cn . smtp:smtp.email.com.cn
dl163.com. p:www.dl163.com . smtp:http://www.dl163.com/
chinaxian.com. p:www.email.com.cn . smtp:http://www.email.com.cn/
2888.com. p:2888.com . smtp:2888.com
yes100.com. p:pop.yes100.com . smtp:smtp.yes100.com
chinese.com. p:pop.chinese.com . smtp:smtp.chinese.com
yifan.net. p:yifan.net . smtp:yifan.net
china183.com. p:mail.china183.com . smtp:mail.china183.com
20520.com. p:pop.20520.com . smtp:smtp.20520.com
elawchina.com. p:pop3.elawchina.com . smtp:smtp.elawchina.com
fugao.net. p:pop.email.com.cn . smtp:smtp.email.com.cn
mybada.net. p:pop.mybada.net . smtp:smtp.mybada.net
gz168.net. p:email.gz168.net . smtp:email.gz168.net
kzinfo.net. p:mail.kzinfo.net . smtp:mail.kzinfo.net
7119.net. p:7119.net . smtp:smtp.7119.net
ccidnet.com. p:pop.ccident.com . smtp:smtp.ccident.com
cfe21.com. p:www.cfe21.com . smtp:http://www.cfe21.com/
etang.com. p:pop.etang.com . smtp:smtp.etang.com
hnet.com.cn. p:pop.email.com.cn . smtp:smtp.email.com.cn
nethao.com. p:freemail.nethao.com . smtp:freemail.nethao.com
soyou.net. p:pop.soyou.net . smtp:smtp.soyou.net
newstar.com.cn. p:pop.emai.com.cn . smtp:smtp.email.com.cn
cityhot.com. p:citymail.cityhot.com . smtp:citymail.cityhot.com
dfworld.net. p:mail.dfworld.net . smtp:mail.dfworld.net
gzboy.com. p:www.email.com.cn . smtp:http://www.email.com.cn/
fengyun.net. p:freemail.fengyun.net . smtp:freemail.fengyun.net
citiz.net. p:pop.citiz.net . smtp:smtp.citiz.net
tt.zj.cn. p:pop.email.com.cn . smtp:smtp.email.com.cn
100m.hl.cninfo.net. p:100m.hl.cninfo.net . smtp:100m.hl.cninfo.net
dg.163mail.net. p:dg.163mail.net . smtp:dg.163mail.net
public.guangzhou.gd.cn. p:smtp.public.guangzhou.gd.cn . smtp:public.guangzhou.gd.cn
bodachina.com. p:bodachina.com . smtp:smtp.bodachina.com
freemail.nx.cninfo.net. p:freemail.nx.cninfo.net . smtp:freemail.nx.cninfo.net
softhome.net. p:pop.SoftHome.net . smtp:smtp.SoftHome.net
yesky.com. p:pop.yesky.com . smtp:smtp.yesky.com
alibaba.com. p:pop.alibaba.com . smtp:smtp.alibaba.com
mweb.com.cn. p:pop3.mweb.com.cn . smtp:smtp.mweb.com.cn 51.com. p: . smtp:
km169.net. p:email.km169.net . smtp:email.km169.net
wocall.com. p:wocall.com . smtp:wocall.com
guohao.com. p:guohao.com . smtp:guohao.com
bjmail.net. p:bjmail.net . smtp:bjmail.net
gzpublic.guangzhou.gd.cn. p:gzpublic.guangzhou.gd.cn . smtp:gzpublic.guangzhou.gd.cn
cnuninet.com. p:pop.bj.cnuninet.com . smtp:smtp.bj.cnuninet.com
cmmail.com. p:pop3.cmmail.com . smtp:smtp.cmmail.com
peoplemail.com.cn. p:pop.peoplemail.com.cn . smtp:smtp.peoplemail.com.cn
21cn.net. p:pop.21cn.net . smtp:smtp.21cn.net
sh163.net. p:mail.sh163.net . smtp:mail.sh163.net
avl.com.cn. p:pop.avl.com.cn . smtp:smtp.avl.com.cn
thmz.com. p:pop.thmz.com . smtp:smtp.thmz.com
vip.km169.net. p:vip.km169.net . smtp:vip.km169.net
yahoo.com. p:pop.mail.yahoo.com . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.com
yahoo.com.cn. p:pop.mail.yahoo.com.cn . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.com.cn
yahoo.com.tw. p:pop.mail.yahoo.com.tw . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.com.tw
yahoo.com.hk. p:pop.mail.yahoo.com.hk . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.com.hk
yahoo.com.mx. p:pop.mail.yahoo.com.mx . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.com.mx
yahoo.com.br. p:pop.mail.yahoo.com.br . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.com.br
yahoo.com.ar. p:pop.mail.yahoo.com.ar . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.com.ar
yahoo.com.au. p:pop.mail.yahoo.com.au . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.com.au
yahoo.co.kr. p:pop.mail.yahoo.co.kr . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.co.kr
yahoo.co.uk. p:pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk
yahoo.co.jp. p:pop.mail.yahoo.co.jp . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.co.jp
yahoo.ca. p:pop.mail.yahoo.ca . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.ca
yahoo.dk. p:pop.mail.yahoo.dk . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.dk
yahoo.de. p:pop.mail.yahoo.de . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.de
yahoo.fr. p:pop.mail.yahoo.fr . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.fr
yahoo.es. p:pop.mail.yahoo.es . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.es
yahoo.it. p:pop.mail.yahoo.it . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.it
yahoo.se. p:pop.mail.yahoo.se . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.se
yahoo.no. p:pop.mail.yahoo.no . smtp:smtp.mail.yahoo.no



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Duplicate Content - Friend or Foe?

Duplicate Content - Friend or Foe?

The question of whether duplicate content can get you penalized in the search engines -- and how to avoid that if it can -- is a topic of hot debate these days.

Many webmasters live in fear, agonizing over questions like:

- What is duplicate content?

- Why do search engines care about duplicate content?

- Should they worry about duplicate content?

- What can they do to avoid a duplicate content penalty if there is one?

First, understand that there is no clear definition of duplicate content and it is not absolutely clear that there is any such thing as a duplicate content penalty. In general, however, the belief is that repetition of large blocks of the same content (such as an article or syndicated blog post) within either the same domain or across many different domains could trigger a penalty in search engines such as Google.

So why would search engines care about duplicate content?

If you think about how search engines work and how they make their income, the whole topic from their perspective becomes clear. Search engines live or die based on two things:

1. Do search engine users feel like they get the results they are looking for when they search?

2. Do the advertisers (and thus the search engine) make good revenue?

Suppose you publish an article on "How to write a good article." You submit it to all of the popular article directories and within a couple weeks it is published on 300 different websites.

If someone were to then go to Google and search for "how to write a good article," do you think they would feel like Google was producing good results if the first 300 were all links to your article, but just on 300 different sites?

Of course not. In fact, people would probably either complain or stop using Google. And as a side effect, advertisers would start making less revenue and would stop advertising. Then Google would not make money and before long they would have some serious problems.

So it becomes clear why Google, or any search engine, would not want to display many copies of essentially the same content for any given keyword search.

The logical conclusion is that search engines absolutely need to filter out as much duplicate content in the results as possible. If they filter out your website and display someone else's, even though the content is the same, it's going to look as if you were penalized for duplicate content. But actually, they are just trying to deliver the best results.

Many people believe that search engines should give precedence to the original source of the content. But how can Google or any search engine accurately determine which is the original of the content and which is the duplicate? While algorithms can likely make some logical conclusions, the truth is that it is not really possible to determine this every time.

Instead, search engines have to go by things like where the content seems to have first been published, which site is the biggest authority, etc.

This means that if you publish the same article on your site and on 100 sites that are all older and more established, it is likely that it may appear your site was republishing duplicate content, not the other way around.

There is an easy way to avoid this problem. Don't publish the same articles on your website that you submit to the article directories. You can publish variations, but be sure they are significantly enough different that they are unlikely to get your site filtered or penalized due to duplicate content.

Interestingly, this will also work for you in another way. If your articles are published on other sites which then all link to your site, and you don't duplicate any of the content, your site appears to actually be more of an authority site than the sites that are all sharing duplicate content.

And if your site is on the same theme and the article directories link to your website with keyword-rich anchor text, the incoming links will also seem to indicate to the search engines that your site is the authority on that theme. The sites publishing the duplicate content seem less authoritative.

In a similar way, if you syndicate your content, be sure to only syndicate the title and description paragraphs, not the whole article. That way, your site always has even more content on the topic, again making your site seem to be the authority.

This strategy can be far more effective than publishing the articles on your site. In fact, if you have been submitting articles for some time, you may even have seen this happening already.

As you can see, it's not really a question of whether there is a duplicate content penalty or not. Search engines must filter out duplicate content in order to present the best results to their users and maintain advertising revenue.

You can use this to your advantage by being sure that any duplicate content is on other websites that link to yours. Some of those sites will be filtered out of the search engine results and some won't. But they will all point to your site as the actual authority on your keyword-based theme. Do this, and any duplicate content will be your friend rather than your foe.

By Charles Hopkins |


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