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FF about:config详解

原文(英文)about:config说明 (http://preferential.mozdev.org/preferences.html)


about:config是Firefox的设置页面,Firefox提供了不少高级设置选项在这里以便让你可以更加详细地控制Firefox的运 行方式。(Firefox不推荐用户手工修改about:config的设置。所以,如果你对于你想修改的内容不是非常确定的话,请不要去改变它。)



accesskey允许用户通过Alt+accesskey的方法来打开页面中的超链接。其中的accesskey需要网页编写者预先定义好,并且不能与浏览器的快捷键相冲突。比如,常见的Alt+q. 当该值设置为true时,浏览支持accesskey的网页,可以使用Alt+q打开定义好的特定链接;设为false时,则将聚焦该链接,再按一下回车打开该链接。



2、accessibility. Browsewithcaret

按下F7键,可以看到一个窗口提示,确认后看到了什么?没错,在网页中出现了一个可移动的光标。你可以用它进行一些基本的操作,比如,shift+方向键可以用来选定某段文本。accessibility. Browsewithcaret就是控制这个功能的。实际上就像上面说的,F7就可以控制这个布尔值true和false的切换。

3、accessibility. Tabfocus


4、先讲一个Type Ahead Find(Find As You Type)的概念(http://www.mozilla.org/access/type-ahead/)当焦点在某一页面上时(什么叫焦点?就是用鼠标在网页上点一下,注意,使用这个功能不能点击可输入文本的地方),然后确保中文输入法没有打开(中文输入法中的英文也不行),好了,输入你想在本页面中搜索的英文单词吧。怎么样?是不是边输入边查找(Type Ahead Find)?


另:搜索页面除了F3以外,/ 键和Ctrl+F都是相同的功能。而 ' 键(就是双引号那个键,英文状态下)是只搜索超链接上的文字。

下面就是几个与Type Ahead Find有关的布尔值:
(1)accessibility. Typeaheadfind
总体上控制Type Ahead Find,ture开启,false关闭。

(2)accessibility. typeaheadfind. Autostart

true就是自动打开typeaheadfind,并且使文本输入框等失去焦点;false就是当你按下F3或者' 之类的键时才启动页面搜索。

(3)accessibility. typeaheadfind. Enablesound

True就是当 typeaheadfind没找到你输入的词句时发出声音,False就是没声。

(4)accessibility. typeaheadfind. Flashbar


(5)accessibility. typeaheadfind. Enabletimeout


(6)accessibility. typeaheadfind. Linksonly


(7)accessibility. typeaheadfind. SoundURL

为上面的accessibility. typeaheadfind. Enablesound选择声音来源。你可以自定义一个.wav文件,使用default是默认声音;使用beep就是发出"嘟嘟"声。

(8)accessibility. typeaheadfind. Startlinksonly (更改需要重启生效)



(9) accessibility. typeaheadfind. Timeout







PS:看了这两个选项觉得很感动,Mozilla考虑得确实非常周全。现在Firefox有一个tts插件:https://addons.update.mozilla.or ... ?id=269&vid=852 可以调用微软的语音引擎来朗读网页,可惜不支持中文,大概也不能运行在非Windows平台上。

6、accessibility. warn_on_browsewithcaret

配合上面的第2项accessibility. Browsewithcaret. True: 你会再切换光标浏览时(F7)给出提示;False: 不提示。





9、对于下面的几项:alerts.height, alerts.slideIncrement, alerts.slideIncrementTime, alerts.totalOpenTime我了解的不多。只知道它们等可以作为函数定义warning框的大小、显示时间等以获得最佳的显示效果,但具体是XUL还是Javascript还是其他什么语言使用它们,以及它们具体怎么工作我不清楚。等待高手解答。唯一确定的是,普通用户使用默认值就可以了。happy.gif


(1)app.build_id, app.extensions.version, app.id 和下面的app.version 是firefox及扩展的特定标识符。用做扩展系统及程序自动升级系统对它们的"辨别"。一般用户不要更改这些选项。


app.update.enabled 总体上控制是否允许程序升级

app.update.autoUpdateEnabled 是否允许程序是否自动(在后台)升级

app.update.interval 升级间隔,默认86400000(毫秒),大家可以算一算约合多少小时?happy.gif

app.update.lastUpdateDate 最后一次升级日期


是否提示升级完毕。( 原文:Whether or not an update has been performed this session. ──大家看看应该怎么翻?)



app.update.url 没什么说的,自动升级的地址11、application.use_ns_plugin_finder


True: When a plugin is not found, clicking on the puzzle piece will open a dialog telling the user what plugin is needed. Clicking on the "Get the Plugin" button brings the user to the plugins installation page.
False: Clicking on the puzzle piece will send the user to that plugin's page on plugins.netscape.com which will have a link to that plugin's installation page.
大概意思就是当true时,点击"获得插件"进入插件安装页面;当false时,进入plugins.netscape.com 的页面。

12、rlogin, telent和tn3270都是网络协议名称。applications.rlogin, applications.rlogin_with_user和applications.telnet就是针对这些协议而言的。Firefox提供对这些协议的良好支持。(与普通用户没关系)





Recommended Firefox Addons, Plugins & Extensions

One of the best things about Firefox is the HUGE number of add-ons and plugins...there are quite literally thousands of these which you can get for free

Tab Catalogue: This lets you graphically view all your tabs at once. Very similar to the feature in Internet Explorer 7 but much better

Get this plugin

recommend the new firefox Showcase instead of the old Tab Catalogue

Spell-checker: A must have - passively spell-check everything you type into firefox. I can't strongly recommend this one enough

Get this plugin

Stumble: Plug yourself into the Zeitgeist web.... Stumble lets you see what other like minded people are recommending.

Get this plug-in

Zoom in to any image on any webpage...

Get this plugin

With Hyperwords you can link directly from any text to loads of different internet resources. No more typing text into search fields!

Get this plugin

A great tip to enable Firefox Spell-checker in all text areas

A slightly annoying thing about the Firefox spellchecker is the default setting is only for "text-areas" and it won't check your text in inputfields. This is very easy to fix and also really useful.

To enable the spellchecker for inputfields and textareas:

1) Simply type about:config in the address bar of the browser.

2) type in the filter layout.spellcheckDefault, then edit the default spell (right click and modify)


3) Go to any web form and misspell some text - you'll notice the text is now underscored in red.

Recommended Firefox Addons, Plugins & Extensions

post by:http://essential-element.blogspot.com/2007/08/recommended-firefox-addons-plugins.html



Do something that never regret.

"To abandon a comfortable lifestyle that isn’t deeply fulfilling is to abandon nothing. There’s nothing of real substance there to protect. An income, a car, a house, or a lifestyle are not worth protecting if the cost of such protection is your own fulfillment and happiness. People who achieve some of the external trappings of success without internal fulfillment are only living an illusion when they tell themselves they have something of value to protect. In most cases the feeling that there’s something to protect is just an excuse used to avoid facing the real fear — that maybe all this stuff isn’t really worth anything compared to what’s being lost… that maybe I should be living more boldly and not be so concerned about what happens to all my stuff.“

That’s all just stuff. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have any real value. I’d gladly give it all up and live in a shack if that was the price I’d have to pay to live my mission. I “1” my life to have had more value than just acquiring stuff and living comfortably. I may die rich, or I may die broke. But I won’t die with my music still in me.

After all, why are we here? Is it to acquire stuff, live a comfortable lifestyle, make our families as comfortable as possible, and then die? Whether there’s an afterlife or not, one thing is clear — we can’t take any of that stuff with us. Our comfortable lifestyle has no power to endure.

And here’s the worst part. While you’re working so hard to acquire and protect all that stuff, you could die unexpectedly. You might die today. You might die tomorrow. Maybe you won’t die for another 70 years. Maybe your consciousness will be transferred into an android body a few decades from now, but you could still be destroyed in an accident, even if you make a backup of yourself. At least in the present, you’re still vulnerable. Death happens to people every day. 150,000+ people died from the quake and tsunami in Southeast Asia. How many of them knew at the beginning of December 2004 that they only had a few weeks left to live? And look what happened to all the stuff those people acquired — destroyed. Fisherman or tourist — it doesn’t matter. We all end up the same way.

So what is the point of a life dedicated to the acquisition and protection of stuff? All of your money and possessions can be taken away from you by forces outside your control. No matter how many asset protection techniques you apply, you can never guarantee full security of your stuff. It’s perpetually vulnerable. There can be no true security then in a life based on the acquisition and protection of stuff.

So what have you got to lose? What are you truly risking if you go after your dreams? If your current lifestyle is unfulfilling, then you’re starting broke, no matter how much money you have. It doesn’t matter if you start with $0 or $1 million. You have nothing to lose either way. Money and material assets are just resources to use while you’re here — you can’t take them with you. You’re only a temporary steward of the money and possessions that pass through your life. So when you risk money, you don’t risk anything of any enduring value. Earn money, lose money, invest money. But don’t make material objects more important than your own fulfillment and happiness.

If you’re sitting behind a desk working at a job you hate in order to protect your current lifestyle, you are protecting nothing. Isn’t there a part of you, deep inside, that “1”s to just walk away from all of that junk and start really living? Can you feel how empty and hollow your days are, how devoid of meaning? Have you forgotten what it’s like to really live a day that fulfills you deeply as a human being? Look around your home at all your stuff. Recognize that in the long run, it will all eventually end up as dust. None of it will endure. It’s all temporary. Your house will eventually crumble. Your car will wind up in a junkyard. You cannot permanently keep any of this stuff. Eventually you’re going to lose it all. Or it will lose you.

So what kind of life is that — one that’s dedicat
ed to the guarding of dust? Is that what you “1” your life to be about? If you feel there’s any purpose to your existence as a human being, then is this it?

Life is just too precious to waste. If you are spending your days working at a job that isn’t deeply fulfilling to you, then you’re spending your days guarding dust. There’s no real value there. Stuff cannot fulfill you. Ultimately it will only distract you from living on purpose.

What does it mean to really live? Deep down, you already have a sense of the direction where this answer lies for you. Ultimately, it’s a choi
ce. You’re totally free to live the kind of life you “1”. But you’ll know you’re really living when you would live pretty much the same way even if you knew you only had 18 months left. If you would make some big changes in your life upon learning that you only had 18 months to live, then why not make those changes now? Someone reading this blog entry probably has less than 18 months to live. Maybe it’s you.

Live for what is real to you. Live for what truly matters to you.

Taking what you love to do and turning it into a
source of income, either as an employee or an entrepreneur, seems hard to resist. If you’re going to spend so much time working to make money, why not make that money in the pursuit of your dreams instead of in the protection of dust?

What does your current to do list look like? Is it filled with tasks that aren’t even real to you? Are you typing stuff that doesn’t matter, going to soulless meetings, shuffling papers and filling out forms to appease computers, while sitting in a Dilbert-style cage all day? Why do you continue to choose that life each day? You’re always free to stop at any time. You make the rules.

What percentage of the tasks on your to do list will fulfill you deeply to do them? What kind of to do list would be real to you? What items might it contain? Compose a new piece of music. Write something inspiring and share it with others. Give your spouse a massage. Exercise. Play with your kids. Make a snowman in Las Vegas (my wife did this one yesterday). Clear out some clutter. Read a really great book. Audition for a local play. Start your own business. Tell your boss, “Talk to the hand. I don’t do soulless work anymore.” Do something that leaves you feeling at the end of the day that you really contributed the best of yourself. Don’t die with your music still in you.
Do something that never regret.

ref:Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You >by Steve Pavlina
Copyright © 2007 by Pavlina LLC.stevepavlina.com


Inaction grows fear. Action melts it.

there seems to be some force in the universe that will conspire to help you achieve your dreams when you really get yourself aligned with them and moving committedly in that direction. Once you get started on the right path for you, you don’t have to go it alone. I don’t know precisely why this is so, but it just always seems to work that way. When you know you’re doing what you really feel you should be doing, everything just clicks. Even when setbacks occur, right behind them is a new opportunity that turns the setback seem into a stepping stone. Inaction grows fear. Action melts it. When you stand still, you feel fear. When you move, there just isn’t any.

ref:Elvin,Steve Pavlina


My Life Big question

We offen heard :

People working the works they hate, feeling trapped because they can’t quit as they rely on that sole source of income to finance ,drifting aimlessly in life, in short, leading lives of quiet desperation,

"i know my work is going to fill a large part of my life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what i believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what i do."but ...

its not easy to face it.

“What do I love to do?"

where' s my heaven ?

If i know the answer .

The rest is easy.,all uncertainty and burden will be lifted off my shoulders and i will have clear vision as to what my gold is and thats where i should go.
How do we find what we love to do? It’s such a big question.





  • 域名该不该使用关键词和子页名应否使用关键词。
  • 域名的排名优化效应和品牌效应

  从搜索引擎排名优化的角度考虑,含关键词的域名一般比域名中不含关键词的网站排名要好。例如若以“hosting”作为搜索词,则网站 www.hosting.com比www.ipowerweb.com更容易获得较高网站排名。此外在友情链接时,人们一般还是习惯用网站名称/域名来做文本链接内容。这样一来,包含关键词的域名无形中可以给网站增加砝码。







问题三:域名是否关键词堆砌(keyword stuffed domain)



  应避免优化中的“欺诈性域名”问题。假设一家提供酒店预订服务的站点,若是“ABC-hotels-accommodations.com”属合情合理。但如果是“ABC-hotels-accommodations-tourist-information-business-travel- guide.com”,则属于欺骗性域名。


  子页地址中包含相关的关键词能够有效提升这个页面在搜索引擎中的关键词关联度得分。但切忌过分的网页优化而造成子页名中大量的堆砌关键词,形如 domain.com/kw1-k2/kw1-kw2-kw3-kw4.php。这样的结果只会适得其反。





  很多用户都以为搜索引擎会把下划线当作分隔符来对待。因为一些著名的网络分类目录如DMOZ和Yahoo在其文件名中亦有使用下划线。但事实上,至少在目前Google会把连字符“-”和空格码“%20”都看做空格符(即URL中的“%20”效果同“-”)。但Google并不认同“_”为分隔符。对 Google来说,

   search-engine-optimization.php= search engine optimization
   search%20engine%20optimization.php= search engine optimization
   search_engine_optimization.php= searchengineoptimization

   我们可以用“allinurl”进行搜索来验证一下。还是以“search engine optimization”为例,只需在Google的搜索框中输入:allinurl:search engine optimization,你会发现在Google的搜索结果页(SERPs)中并未出现任何包含下划线的URL。




  还有一个问题:Google对URL中出现的“-”的次数是否有要求?实践表明,URL中的连字符以一到两个为最佳。有很多用户试图通过诸如 “search-engine-optimization-website-search-engine-optimization.php”这种方式来加强关键词密度,但结果却沮丧地发现这些网页的PR值一直挂零,不但没能提升网站排名,反而在搜索结果中销声匿迹了。


  一般搜索引擎会对URL中出现的关键词给予一定的“重要性”。所以可对URL进行优化来提升网站排名,但是在做网页优化时应注意优化策略。事实上,如果把网站比做一所房屋,针对搜索引擎所做的形形色色的网页优化手段就好象是房屋的地基。那些合理而且目光长远的优化策略就如同选择了坚实的地基来搭房子,无论搜索引擎排名的算法怎么变也撼不倒,而那些用沙子做地基的网站却不得不战战兢兢的。一旦网站排名算法改变了风向,这些网站也就只有“待从头,收拾旧山河” 了。



why p2p

protect our planet by.....

thats not a good reason but its true. hmmm...



Protect your planet as it grows. Earn points to purchase ship upgrades. Cool shooter!


Eat before get eaten

Fish Tales
remember to avoid the bigger fish... Chum, chum!

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Hamster Flight

Sent my hamster to the sky as far as you can...

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split it

Well,做人需懂得避重就轻。。。喜欢,like it,recomment to friend by this link


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